Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year 2022!
Our Rotary Club of Willowdale was happy to celebrate our in person Christmas/Holiday luncheon on December 16th, right before new rules were applied for the holiday celebrations of 2021/2022. We loved the great music, the sing alongs and the fantastic festive food served by the Grand Luxe Event Boutique.
Our members and friends enjoyed a beautiful event in support of the Salvation Army, which was very well organized by our Fellow Rotarian Bill. Thank you Bill and Joan for making it possible and we are looking forward to seeing you both at the next celebration.
We would like to thank everybody that contributed to our cause for this event, and we were able to raise CAN$4,000.- for the Salvation Army Yorkwoods. We truly enjoyed seeing our friends in person again, and from great conversations to happy raffle winners, it was a successful and fantastic Christmas /Holiday luncheon 2021.