Aug 18, 2022 12:30 PM
Imran Owais Kazmi (ZOOM)
Current world affairs

I write to you as a friend of Rotarians the world over, especially in the US where I have been prolifically presenting on global political and humanitarian topics to the District 7230 via my good friends Jim Kushner (ex President Inwood Club, a man honored by Rotary and many others for his services to humanity, my friend and host when in NY) and H’able Ron Tocci who serves the Veterans and also has served his city and Rotary. My presentations to the US Rotary Clubs are at - in short, I am a good human being, consultant & leadership trainershort films producer, courageous writer, championing the cause of women in leadership, the poor, asking for rather demanding good governance with sound eco and cost friendly policies, and a uniform policing code the world over, for citizens lives are affected directly by the quality of law and order they receive keeping other factors constant.